Thursday, June 9, 2011

Harvest, spinach quiche, planting, and alstroemeria

This morning was harvest day in our garden.  I picked three heads of lettuce (2 green leaf, 1 romaine) to give away, picked three types of spinach, and a bunch of edible pod peas (Oregon Sugar Pod).  I had decided to make a spinach quiche for dinner, and instead of using frozen spinach, I thought we would use our fresh stuff.  Here is a photo of the harvest, and of the spinach quiche.
I went out later and planted some of the lettuces and other greens that were ready to plant.  Prior to planting I rototilled the area which had previously been planted to spinach.

Plant of the day

One of the most consistent flowering shrubs in the garden each year is this alstroemeria, also known as Peruvian Lily.  This perennial plant has over 190 cultivars, and is a showy bloomer each year here on the Pacific coast.  Here are two photos of one of our plants. (Click to enlarge).

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