Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tomato transplants

Today was a transplant day.  It is a complicated process involving washing and sanitizing pots and trays, filling the pots with potting soil, placing several pots in each tray, then using a large dibble and my hands to transplant small plants into a larger pot.  I try to bury the tomato plants deeper than they were originally in order to develop strong root systems.
I start with the pots and trays, spraying them off with water in our outdoor sink, and filling one of the sinks with water and physan-20 which is a sanitizing product I use to prevent contamination of the plants with fungus or bacteria.  I then do the transplanting and label each plant with labels I recycle from previous years (which are originally from venetian blinds which we cut up to make the labels).
I then put the trays with the transplants on a heating pad in the greenhouse which keeps a 68 degree F temperature.  I will pull the plants off the heatmat after a few days and leave them on an upper shelf in the greenhouse.
Here is what it looks like after the transplanting.
I also seeded broccoli and cauliflower today and put them in six packs.  I'll be planting lettuce and other greens as well as zucchini and pumpkins tomorrow.

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