We have been working in the garden between rainstorms. The big project at the moment is moving the blueberry plants which were in the back of our garden to the front (west side) of the garden. We are using the vacated space to build three garden beds out of old scrap lumber we have been saving for just this purpose. (The lumber came from Pierson building supply and cost either nothing to about 50 cents apiece.) I am nailing them together, and learning to use a skill saw in the process of fitting them together. (My wife is the teacher.)
Here are the blueberries after the transplant to the front of the garden:
This is the vacated area which we then weeded and dug up.
We then laid out the space for the new beds using the scrap lumber:
Finally, I constructed the first bed today, trying to keep a constant size across the bed:
I will try to finish the bed construction over the next few days.