What a busy day in the garden and yard! We have been wildly weeding some of the garden beds over the last week, dumping the weeds on the grass by the beds. We haven't been keeping up with the lawnmowing until today. In order to get the lawn mowed we needed to unload the compost tumblers of their loads of compost in order to use the grass clippings for more compost.
Yesterday, my wife Illijana weeded the artichoke bed. I then unloaded the compost tumbler and put the compost on the bed. I also put compost in the rose bed, around the roses by our rose gate, and around the Queen Cox standard apple tree.
As Illijana mowed the lawn I weed whacked the edges and then used the grass clippings mixed with redwood sawdust, coffee grounds from Starbucks, and a mix of secret herbs and spices (blood meal, bone meal, cottonseed meal, and chicken manure) to fill the compost tumbler. It will probably be composting at above 140 F by tomorrow, and will be ready to use in 3 to 4 weeks.
The yard looks great now, and it is raining, so we got the lawn done just in time.
There are some plants that need to be planted out shortly. Here is a pic of the plants in the greenhouse. Click to enlarge.
lettuce starts |
basil |
The picture on the right is a close-up of the small leaved basil growing in the greenhouse. It is almost time for pesto making!